WHC Global Haiku Tournament 2002 April - June 2002 on WHCtournament A Message to the WHC Global Haiku Tournament Team Member from Doris Kasson: The World Haiku Tournament is about to begin. Team participants, judges, spectators and cheerleaders are ready to go. I have heard from a number of team contestants who report that they have been working together (no mean feat) to ensure lively and challenging bouts for our enjoyment. READ THE HAIKU & RENKU SUBMISSIONS TEAM 1: SHICHIFUKUJIN - HAIKU & RENKU SUBMISSIONS TEAM 2: THE 7 SAMURAI - HAIKU & RENKU SUBMISSIONS PRESS RELEASE: As Japan prepares for the Soccer World Cup haiku poets around the world are preparing for the First World Haiku Tournament organised by the World Haiku Club. Four teams with seven international haijin in each team will battle it out for the title of World Haiku Tournament Champions. The names of the four teams are (click to visit their webpages): The first match will be on the 27th of April at 12 noon GMT+1 (British Summer Time). Each team will be set 2 kigo and a hokku. Each team member will write three haiku - two using the kigo and a freeform haiku. Each team will write a 12 stanza renku-maki using the set hokku. the "renku-maki" means that whilst link and shift will apply strict rules of position and content (eg moon, love and blossom) won't. I therefore announce that the first fixture will take place on 27th April 2002 and is: You can meet the teams at their individual websites: The Seven Samurai: Tapping Woodpeckers: http://www.haikuworld.org/tappingwoodpeckers/ Spectators can take part in an online discussion of the poems and renku submitted to each fixture and will have a chance to vote for their favourite haiku in the popular voting section. We will all learn more about haiku as the teams battle it out during the three hour windows of time that are the actual matches and also from the Judges comments - whose decisions won't please everyone but whose knowledge of haiku ways will provide a river of knowledge that we can all taste in its flowing by The Tournament mailing: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WHCtournament/ See the Schedule of Events at Mitty Abe's Interactive Photohaiku: http://www1.neweb.ne.jp/wa/inter-arts/
(more information can be obtained from the director - including interviews at ) CLICK HERE TO READ ABOUT THE WHC TOURNAMENT IN WORLD HAIKU REVIEW (See Last Year's "Mock Haiku Tournament" Pages & Winner)