WHC Resources
Educational - Cultural
Haiku History - Online Essays, Articles, Lessons, Interviews, Etc.
(these pages in-progress)
Essays & Articles - Haiku: Educational
Audio: Recorded Interviews and Articles
Takiguchi, Susumu & Bender, Debi Charnwood Arts (Cuttlefish Radio) Interview on Haiku: In conversation with Paul T. Conneally, September 2001 (interview, 11 mins, mp3) http://www.cuttlefish.com/radio/
Development & History of Haiku (and Literature)
Fleitas, Carlos Issa y Basho o las dos caras del Samsara
Gundert, Wilhelm, 1880-1971 (Dughal Lindsay's Universe) on reading haiku (from The History of Japanese Literature)
Jackson, Earl Jr. History of Japanese Literature; an overview
Jewell, Mark Haikai Poetry (Waseda University)
Lindsay, Dhugal J. Kanrai - Midwinter Thunder
Matsuyama Declaration Matsuyama - The Place (Shiki Organization, Ehime Cultural Foundation)
Messoten, Bart Acceptance Speech Masaoka Shiki Awards (Shiki Organization, Ehime Cultural Foundation)
van den Heuval, Cor On Western Haiku (Literary Kicks)
Virtual Museum of Japanese Arts Haiku Overview
Yoko Sugawa (President of "Fuyoh") After Basho,Buson & Issa: The development of modern haiku in Japan (Shiki Internet Salon)
Yotsuya, Ryu History of Haiku 10 haikuists and their works
From Basho to Koi (Mushimegane)
Multiculturalism, Internet & Globalization of Haiku:
Beer, Lidonna Contemporary German Haiku: a Reader Response Study Global Haiku Tradition Millikin University, Spring 2001 - Randy Brooks)
Brooks, Randy Teaching Haiku in Higher Education: An Immersion into the Living Tradition - The Case of Millikin University (World Haiku Review)
Ekuni Shigreru Haiku vs. Haiku (a Japanese view of Western haiku)
Dhugal J. Lindsay on Haiku vs. Haiku (Dhugal Lindsay's Universe)
Foley, Jack Cor Van Den Heuvel, The Haiku Anthology: Haiku & Senryu in English, W.W.Norton & Co., a book review (The Alsop Review)
Higginson, Wm. J. The Webolution of Haiku (hasee)
Koganei, Yauomi On a Möbius Strip’s Rims (World Haiku Review)
Masaoka Shiki Int. Haiku Awards The Poetics of Haiku - The Prospect of Haiku in the 21st Century Kawamoto Koji, Murakami Mamoru, Saito Shinji, Kido Shuri, Tsukushi Bansei (Shiki Organization, Ehime Cultural Foundation)
The Poetics of Haiku - The Prospect of Haiku in the 21st Century(Supplement to Workshop Venue 1, at the International Haiku Convention)
Matsuyama Declaration Let's Give Poetry Back to the People...A World Poetry Revolution in the 21st Century (Shiki Organization, Ehime Cultural Foundation)
Matsuyama Declaration The Spread of Haiku Throughout the World (Shiki Organization, Ehime Cultural Foundation)
Matsuyama Declaration Trends Toward Internationalization, Universalization and Localization of Haiku (Shiki Organization, Ehime Cultural Foundation)
Matsuyama Declaration Why Did Haiku Spread Throughout the World? The Heart of Haiku (Shiki Organization, Ehime Cultural Foundation)
Matsuyama Declaration The Matsuyama Message 2000 - Supplement to the Mastuyama Declaration (Shiki Organization, Ehime Cultural Foundation)
Missias, A.C. Contemporary Haiku: Origins and New Directions (Perihelion)
Paijin, Dusan Globalization and Haiku: Ecstasy of the Moment and the Depth of Time (hasee)
Paijin, Dusan Multiculturalism of World Haiku - Cross-Cultural and Personal Meaning, Paper given at the World Haiku Festival 2000. (hasee)
Shirane Haruo, Prof. Haiku East and West: Bashô and Cultural Memory (Columbia University - Columbia East Asian Review '99)
Swede, George Haiku in English in North America (Haiku Canada)
Takiguchi, Susumu Can the Spirit of Haiku be Translated? WHF2000 Festival Conference paper based on the talk given at an academic conference, the Study Day 'Traduire la contrainte' St. Hugh College, Oxford, 19th June 1999. (hasee)
Takiguchi, Susumu Haiku: A Living Thing (World Haiku Review)
Takiguchi, Susumu Haiku as a World Phenomenon (hasee)
Takiguchi, Susumu The Internet Culture and Haiku (World Haiku Review)
Takiguchi, Susumu Is Western Haiku a Second Rate Art? (World Haiku Review)
Takiguchi, Susumu “Tohi-bungaku”(escapist literature) versus “Shin-bungaku”(real literature) (World Haiku Review)
Usher, Rod The Magnificent Seventeen (Time, Europe)
van den Heuvel, Cor On Western Haiku (Literary Kicks)
Verhart, Max Haiku in the Netherlands and Flanders (hasee)
Warner, Gary Shiki HNA Report: "Traces of Dreams" - basic concepts from Dr. Haruo Shirane's lecture given at Haiku North America, "East Looking West" (Shiki Internet Salon list archives)
Welch, Michael Dylan Publication on the Shiki Mailing list and other Internet sites... (Sangeet's Haiku & Poetry Corner)
Reichhold, Jane Those Women Writing Haiku (Aha!Poetry)
Weightman, Julie Why Teach Haiku in Elementary School? (Global Haiku Tradition Millikin University, Spring 2001 - Randy Brooks)
Translating Haiku
Carley, John E. Lost in Translation (World Haiku Review)
Gallimore, Daniel ‘dew on the grass’ : translating the masters, sound, image, logic: an approach to haiku translation (World Haiku Review)
Lanoue, David Gerard Confessions of A Translator #1 (World Haiku Review) Lanoue, David Gerard To Comment or Not to Comment #2 (World Haiku Review)
Lanoue, David Gerard A Little Help From My Friends #3 (World Haiku Review) Lanoue, David Gerard From Translation to Creation #4 (World Haiku Review)
Defining Haiku
Andreyev, Alexeyev The Definition of Haiku (Russian Haiku)
Carley, John E. A Literary Invention: Haiku in the English Language (Nightingale) PDF
Davidson, L.A. Haiku is What? (Dhugal Lindsay's Universe)
Clausen, Tom A Haiku Way of Life (Poetry in the Light)
Dupont, Lonnie Hull What Makes a Haiku? (The Haiku Box) Exerpts from Footprints in the Snow
Goring, Richard Haiku & Tanka
Goring, Richard Just These Few Stones, Haiku, Senryu and Tanka
Harr, Lorraine Ellis The Isn't' of Haiku (Moments)
Hotham, Gary Breath Marks Canyon Press
Meister, Z Haiku, Theory and Poems (Aardvark)
Mena, Paul David It Isn't Microwave Poetry (Haiku in Low Places)
Reichhold, Jane * Another Attempt to Define Haiku (Aha!Poetry)
Reichhold, Jane Apples, Apples & Haiku (a story about senryu) (Aha!Poetry)
Spiess, Robert Speculations (Haiku in Low Places)
St Jacques, Elizabeth Haiku or Senryu? How to Tell the Difference (Poetry in the Light)
Swede, George Toward a Definition of English Language Haiku (Epiphinous)
Takahashi Nobuyuki & Ludwig, Horst What is Haiku - Notes for New Haiku Writers in Western Countries
Takiguchi, Susumu An Old Argument and A New Frontier of Haiku:
"Is Haiku Poetry?" (World Haiku Review)
Season Words: To Kigo or Not to Kigo...
Beck/Kametaro Yagi The Importance of Season Words (Shiki Internet Salon)
Beck/Kametaro Yagi More on Season Words (Shiki Internet Salon)
Bostok, Janice Seasonal Words (Haiku Oz)
Garrison, Denis Haiku Cycles - a magazine project networked with the World Haiku Club to explore international kigo (denisgarrison.com)
Gilli, Ferris Seasoning Your Haiku (World Haiku Review)
Higginson, William J. To Propose an Addition to a New Season Word Guide (Renku)
Higginson, William J. Why the "Part" of the Season is Important (Renku)
Jackson, Earl Jr. Kigo/Season Words (Another Scene) 2 pages
Kacian, Jim Beyond Kigo: Haiku in the Next Millenium (hasee)
Kevern, Alain The Haiku and the Poetry Almanac: can this formula be transposed elsewhere? (World Haiku Review)
Larson, Kim The Seasons in Japanese Waka (Kenyon University)
Lindsay, Dhugal J. Season Words (kigo) (Dhugal Lindsay's Universe)
Lindsay, Dhugal J. Season Words - their use in modern Japan and a proposition (Dhugal Lindsay's Universe)
Matsayuma Declaration The Problems of Teikei (fixed form) and Kigo (season words) (Shiki Organization, Ehime Culture Foundation)
Takiguchi, Susumu Nature in Haiku - What Nature? (World Haiku Review)
Tome, Serge Season Words (temps libre/free times)
Kageyama(Fujimoto) Noriko A Collection of Season Words (some words from The Five Hundred Essential Japanese Season Words) (in Japanese and English)
Mabesoon, Rédaction Seegan Index alphabétique des mots de saison (climats tempérés) (in French only)
Reichhold, Jane A Dictionary of Haiku: Classified by Season Words with Traditional and Modern Methods (Aha!Poetry)
Shiki Internet Salon Kiyose - Collection of season words in Japan
Yamamoto Kenkichi The Five Hundred Essential Japanese Season Words Selected by Kenkichi Yamamoto Translated by Kris Young Kondo and William J. Higginson. Edited for Renku Home with added information on the seasonal system by William J. Higginson(Renku)
Yuki Teikei Society The Yuki Teikei Season Word List
Form in Haiku
Bird, John Form in Oz Haiku (Haiku Oz)
Carley, John E. ZIP: Form, Freedom and Phonics An alternative approach to the Haiku in English (World Haiku Review)
Cheng, Alan (rèi fú) An Introduction to Haiku
Codrescu, Ian Rules of Form and Freedom of Spirit in Haiku (World Haiku Review)
Garrison, Denis Crystallines, A Contemporary Haiku Analogue
for English Language (World Haiku Review)
Gilbert, Richard and Yoneoka, Judy From 5-7-5 to 8-8-8: An Investigation of Japanese Haiku Metrics and Implications for English Haiku
Gilbert, Richard Stalking the Wild Onji: The Search for Current Linguistic Terms Used in Japanese Poetry Circles
Imaoka, Keiko Forms in English Haiku (Aha!Poetry)
Lindsay, Dhugal J. Form and Subjectivity; a Dialogue (Dhugal Lindsay's Universe)
Lindsay, Dhugal J. Form in Haiku; aesthetics and form (Dhugal Lindsay's Universe)
Neapolitan, Adria To Space or Not to Space: an In-Depth Comparison of Spacing and Form in Haiku (Millikin University; Global Haiku Tradition Millikin University, Spring 2001 - Randy Brooks)
Peavine haiku : cutting words
Sato, Hiroshi Forms Transformed: Japanese Verse in English Translation - Translating Asian Poetry: A Symposium (University of Hawaii Press)
Shimpei, Yamashita On Form and Season (Dhugal Lindsay's Universe)
Verhart, Max The Many Shapes of the Scarecrow (hasee)
Content in Haiku: Aesthetics & Philosophy
Boryca, Kristin What Do You Feel? A Study of Aesthetic Response in Haiku Global Haiku Tradition Millikin University, Spring 2000 (Randy Brooks; Millikin University)
Brady, Peter The Other Side of the Coin: Haiku and the Harsh Realities (World Haiku Review)
Brooks, Randy The Universality of Now
Fleitas, Carlos Haiku: A new Paideia
Fleitas, Carlos Haiku: A state of receptiveness
Fleitas, Carlos Haiku: lightning on a clear sky
Fleitas, Carlos Haiku: The path of sensibility
Fleitas, Carlos Haiku: The smile of the cicada
Jones, Bob Karumi (Haiku Oz)
Hackett, James W. "A Personal Conclusion" from "That Art Thou: A Way of Haiku" (World Haiku Review)
Hackett, James W. The Haiku Moment (Moments)
Kevern, Alain Toward a New Perception of Reality (hasee)
Koganei, Yasuomi Seeking a Four-Dimensional Haiku (World Haiku Review)
Masenet, Jesus El Haiku Urbano (Spanish version; World Haiku Review)
Masenet, Jesus The Urban Haiku (World Haiku Review)
McNeil, Paul Polemics in Haiku – a short essay (World Haiku Review)
McNeil, Paul Some Philosophy and Personal Notes on Haiku (World Haiku Review)
Noyes, H.F. Sabi in Haiku (Poetry in the Light)
Noyes, H.F. Haiku: Part I- Naturalness, Part II, Emptiness (Poetry in the Light)
Reichhold, Jane Something Fishy About Haiku (Aha!Poetry)
Ross, Bruce Sincerity and the Future of Haiku (World Haiku Review)
Saga, Hiroo Poetry as an open space for lightness of Being (Yosa Buson and His Followers: Haiku & Painting, translated from Japanese text in "Shigaku", August, 1994, pp.24-25.)
Shirane, Haruo Prof. Beyond the Haiku Moment, Basho, Buson and Modern Haiku myths (Haiku in Low Places)
Swede, George Toward an Aesthetic for English-Language Haiku (Epiphinous)
Takiguchi, Susumu A Haiku Moment of Truth (World Haiku Review)
Takiguchi, Susumu Aha! Just a Moment, Please (World Haiku Review)
Tasker, Brian Staying With the Moment - Our Western Haiku Tradition (World Haiku Review)
Theiler, Esther More Thoughts About Karumi (Haiku Oz)
Style & Content in Haiku: Technique
Bird,John The Ku Factory (Haiku Oz)
Fleitas, Carlos Musicality in Haiku written in Spanish: a Platonism?
Gallagher, Patrick Tradition in Haiku (Yuki Teikei Society)
Gamble, Mary Comparing Nature in Haiku: Kobayashi Issa vs. Gary Hotham Global Haiku Tradition Millikin University, Spring 2001 - Randy Brooks)
Gilbert, Richard Universalism vs. Particularism in International Haiku (hasee)
Gilli, Ferris Focus in Haiku / Truth in Haiku
Gilli, Ferris Juxtaposition in Haiku
Gilli, Ferris Allusion in Haiku
Gilli, Ferris Verbless Haiku: OK or No-No?
Hadman, Ty The Power of a Single Word (Haiku Oz)
Hass, Robert Robert Hass on Haiku (Modern American Poetry)
Kacian, Jim Tapping the Common Well (hasee)
Lallibert-Carey Lori & Ferris Gilli An e-mail conversation on juxtaposition (Pinecone)
Lindsay, Dhugal J. Metaphysical Haiku (Dhugal Lindsay's Universe)
Lindsay, Dhugal J. On Attending the Chichibu Workshop (Dhugal Lindsay's Universe)
Lyles, Peggy Willis Regarding Poetry: the Shape of the Song (WHReview)
Matsuyama Declaration The "Shadows" and "Echoes" in the Works of the Leading Poets of the World (Shiki Organization, Ehime Culture Foundation)
Otsuji Imagination vs Experience, a comment by Otsuji (Dhugal Lindsay's Universe)
Reichhold, Jane Fragment and Phrase Theory (Aha!Poetry)
Reichhold, Jane Haiku Rules That Have Come & Gone (Aha!Poetry)
Reichhold, Jane Haiku Techinques (Aha!Poetry)
Reichhold, Jane Is It Haiku? (Haiku Poet's Hut)
Reichhold, Jane Metaphor in Basho's Haiku (Aha!Poetry)
Reichhold, Jane Some Thoughts for Rethinking Haiku (Aha!Poetry)
St Jacques, Elizabeth Haiku Titles? (Poetry in the Light)
St Jacques, Elizabeth Rhythm in Haiku? (Poetry in the Light)
Stovich, Raymond Six Approaches to Haiku, A Developmental Schema (Shiki Salon postings/Modern Haiku, Spring 1989
Strand, Clark Three Methods of Composing Haiku (Shiki Salon postings)
Takiguchi, Susumu On Toriawase (Juxtaposition) (World Haiku Review)
Tanaka, Kimiyo The Pleasure of Haiku (Shiki Salon)
Yoko Sugawa, Yoko On Making Haiku (Shiki Salon)
Verhart, Max Haiku About Almost Nothing (New Hope International)
Verhart, Max What You Say is What You Are (hasee)
Vilen, Florence Repetition - for meaning and melody (World Haiku Review)
Vilen, Florence Two Sides of the Same Petal (cliche in haiku) (World Haiku Review)
Haiku Lessons, Instruction, Helps & Advice
Adams, Phil Hints How to Write Haiku (A Haiku Homepage)
Brooks, Mark The Unofficial Newcomer's Guide to Haiku Mailing Lists (Epiphinous)
Coomler, David More Haiku Rules (Moments)
Cobb, Kathy Lippard Haiku & Senryu Poetry (Shadow Poetry)
Donegan, Patricia & Sato Kazuo *A Guide for Teaching Haiku (Japan Airlines Foundation - JAL)
England, Gerald How to Write Haiku (The Art of Haiku 2000)
Hackett, James W. Suggestions for Creating Haiku Poetry in English (revised version)
HaikuOz Getting Started With Haiku (The Haiku Society of Australia)
Gilli, Ferris Nature Exercise (World Haiku Review)
Inahata Teiko Invitation to Haiku translated by Inaoka Michiko & Inaoka Tadayuki Supervised by Robert E. Garrity (Kyosihi Museum site)
Leake, April Composing Haiku
Lindsay, Dhugal J. Haiku-kai: Haiku Workshops (Dhugal Lindsay's Universe)
Marsh, George In the Moonlight a Worm Waning Moon Press
Online lessons in haiku for teachers of haiku and student self-study: "Basho's Spirit" and "Show, Don't Tell"
Reichhold, Jane I am Delight by Haiku: (temps libre/free times)
Russel, Timothy Timothy Russel Haiku Exercise (Shachihoko)
Sheirer, John Guidelines for Introducing Haiku to Curious Adults (Moments)
Shuuson, Katoh Making Haiku (Dughal Lindsay's Universe)
St Jacques, Elizabeth Haiku Tips for Beginners (Poetry in the Light)
St Jacques Elizabeth Looking at Haiku (Poetry in the Light)
Takiguchi, Susumu Traditional Japanese Haiku School (World Haiku Review/WHCschools)
Lesson 1: Japanese Kukai Style
Lesson 2-1: Kukai/Cold
Lesson 2-3: Kukai/Cold con't: Borrowing Japanese kigo
Lesson 3: advent/arrival of spring/Protocol How Haiku is Composed in Japan in Practice
Lesson 4: Guidelines - How to Compose Haiku
Lesson 4: Guidelines - How to Compose Haiku Selections for Commentary
Some Japanese Poetic Terms Explained
On Toriawase (Juxtaposition)
Tomiyasu, Tei Greig How to Write Haiku (Haiku for People site)
Duhaime, Andre H A Ï K U sans frontières une anthologie mondialeanthological website. In French with various haiku and essays in their original languages with French translations.
Bird, John The First Australian Haiku Anthology compiled by John Bird of HaikuOz
Japanese Literature
Jackson, Earl Jr. History of Japanese Literature; an overview
Jewell, Mark The Japanese Literature Homepage (Waseda University)
Brinks, Tom Tom Brinks' "Haiku Definitions" (Sci-fi Ku)
Vasiliev, Vladimir Japanese Poetry Terms Glossary (in English at the Russian Haiku website)
Sennin Foundation, Michi Online: Glossary of Japanese Art Terms
Japanese Language
Irrashai (Satellite T.V. Japanese Language Lessons) Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) (website)
"Combining the best in satellite TV instruction, web/multimedia, and telephone interaction, Georgia Public Broadcasting (GPB) set a new standard in distance learning when it launched Irasshai in 1996. GPB now offers the Irasshai course (Japanese I and II) to PBS-affiliates nationwide. Irasshai is designed to meet the needs of high schools, colleges and business. Yet anyone anywhere in North America with access to a TV, a satellite dish and a telephone is invited to participate."
Schonfeld, Alexander Manifestations of Gender Distinction in the Japanese Language (essay)
Sterzinger, Blake Edward The Japanese Writing Tutor - a site "meant to help students of Japanese practice their writing skills. By following along with the motion of several animated GIF files, you can hone your writing skills, making your katakana, hiragana, and kanji more legible."
Online Translation Tools, Dictionaries, Thesaurus
Alis "Gist-in-Time" Online Translation Tool
AltaVista, Systran, "Babel Fish" Online Translation Tool
WordLingo Online Translation Tool

Jeffrey's Online Japanese-English Dictionary-Server
(translate romaji or kanji to English & visa versa)
Jim Breen's Japanese Page
Pacific Software Co. Free Online Bidirectional Dictionary

Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (English)
yourDictionary.com (Language Dictionaries)